Quality Assurance

Our ISO 9001 compliant Quality Management System (QMS) underpins the management of the delivery of our services.
Our quality controls and processes have been implemented and embedded in our organisation through a combination of our QMS, staff training and staff accountability.
Quality Management System
Our policies and procedures are developed, managed, reviewed and maintained quarterly by the Policy Owner to ensure that they meet the needs of the organisation, Industry Regulators, and legislation.
Toolbox Talks
Senior Managers deliver toolbox talks to reinforce safety basics, focus on high-risk scenarios and inform staff about changes to the sites and working conditions. Staff meet monthly to brainstorm, share lessons learned and carry out quality improvement projects. Involving staff ensures our processes are embedded within our organisation.
Continuous improvement programmes
Through monthly contract reviews, periodic planned collaboration workshops, and ongoing strategy days, we use data gathered to mutually set new KPI thresholds. These will focus on critical activities and be aligned to the Workman’s ongoing strategy. Reviewing performance against KPIs enables us to identify any necessary service improvement activity.
Policies and procedures: Universal operates a range of policies and procedures including, Quality, Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Environmental, Working with Vulnerable People, Corporate and Social Responsibility, Equality Opportunity, GDPR, Security.
Skilled resource: Employees receive appropriate training including contract specific training, Safeguarding, conflict resolution, customer care, Health and Safety including RAMS, Fire Marshall and Manual Handling. We conduct regular refresher training, including working with vulnerable people. As of 1st July 2021, all employees’ training is current.
Standard Operating Procedures
Our staff have access to contract specific manuals and procedures for sites in electronic format, allowing central storage and version control. Our existing knowledge of Workman operations will inform our procedures.